Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New York Rye and Bob's Red Mill!

Yes, I count my breadmaker as an outlet for culinary creativity. 

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to begin stockpiling exotic bread ingredients, such as sesame oil, raw pumpkin seeds, and non-fat dry milk powder.  I purchased a bunch of rye flour, upon spying it in the bulk bins of Fred Meyer.  I wanted to be able to produce beautifully named mystery breads, such as Lakota, 14 grain, and Rosemary Mugwump, at the drop of a hat.  So impressive and delicious!

But it turns out that I bought DARK rye flour, which is apparently of limited use to breadmaker enthusiasts such as myself.  The majority of recipe writers seem to very much prefer LIGHT rye flour.  What fuckers!

But because Bob's Red Mill is amazing, I found a pretty good recipe, and so dumped my dark rye into the magic tin hole of gluten-based goodness. 

It's called New York Rye, and turned out to be a squat little loaf that my husband won't eat.  "Too minty!" he says.  "Those are caraway seeds,"  I replied.  "Too minty!" was the unwavering verdict.  But he also thinks Coca Cola Zero counts as water, so whatcha gonna do?

Ignore him.  It's pretty good! 

This makes a 1.5 pound loaf.  For whatever reason, the original recipe puts the ingredients all out of order, so here they are properly (because the order makes a huge difference to your machine). 

Result:  BREAD!

Original recipe here:  http://www.bobsredmill.com/recipes.php?recipe=720

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